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Conflicted Heart, Renewed Spirit

  Obsession Aggression Are stagnant in my soul  Idolatry  Vanity Play heavily on my mind Lust  Love  Are confused within my heart But what I know is that Jesus  Is true  His Love and Mercies and new everyday

Jeremiah 17:13


Jeremiah 17:13 says:
"O Lord, the hope of Israel
all who forsake you shall be put to shame;
those who turn away from you shall be written in the earth,
for they have forsaken the Lord, the fountain of living water."

Jeremiah 17:13 underscores the profound imagery of forsaking the Lord as forsaking the fountain of living water, a concept that gains clarity when connected with the biblical narrative. We find a direct correlation by examining John 4:10, where Jesus identifies himself as the living water during a conversation with a Samaritan woman at a well. Jesus offers the living water, positioning himself as the source of spiritual sustenance. The intriguing parallel emerges when we revisit Jeremiah 17:13, which designates the Lord as the fountain of living water. Delving into the definition of "fountain" from Webster's Dictionary—described as the source from which something proceeds or is supplied—reveals a compelling interpretation. If the living water (Jesus) proceeds from the fountain (God), the inference is that God and Jesus are intricately intertwined, substantiating the notion of their oneness.


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